We have a system built with Python 2.7, Django, PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 1.5. In this system there is some extensive validation processes that are, well, intensive.
Our machine:
SO: CentOS 6 HW: 8 cores, 32GB RAM, 4Tb hard-drive;
We, for development and testing, are using the default PostgreSQL configuration, what I think, is somewhat wrong. I want to take advantage of the full capacities that our hardware provides, and so far we didnt got a lot of traffic. When this is release to the public, there will be a lot of users concurrently.
Our application has some queues and async strategies to handle the load, but, the main question is: how can I safely tune PostgreSQL, run some tests, and assure that the tuning was somewhat effective?
), netstat, memstat, iostat, and pgtop during load tests