My budget for a data center (hardware,OS licences, SQL Licences WithOut CALS ) is around $50K~$60K.
I have needs for around 200 users and my apps works only works in Microsoft environment (Window Server and SQL Server).
I've talked to a lot of "so called" experts and every one had different vision for my data center, as much I talking with vendors I am more puzzled how I should design my data center, perhaps this is because I did not meet yet any SQL Server expert who knows what to do.
My living area is so poor whit IT Specialist.
My app is not mission critical and We can afford down time up to 1 working day (8 hours).
I now have 1 main database (80GB-DATA and 20GB of SQL Server log) for writing transaction
That database is transactional replicated by SQL Server to second physical SQL Server web servers from there reading large reports.
I have around 200 users which over WEB server communicating with my SQLs
Here is what I considered so far to do.
First scenario
3X Physical servers (no storage, no SAN, no Virtualization) one server will act as Web Server other two is going to be SQL server whit 2012 standard edition each server will have 96GB ram and Intel Xeon 6C Processor 2Hz. In this scenario I can afford IBM enterprise SSD discs I can have at TWO SQL servers 8 X 250 GB ssd SATA disc. First server will replicate database to other.
Second scenario
2X physical servers one IBM or HP storage with 10~14 pieces of 600GB 10K SAS disc in storage. All of that virtualized by vmware and running on one SQL Standard Server. without SQL replication ,but whit 200GB of ram in SQL-os.
Personally I do not have experience with virtualization and storage systems. I more like SQL Server replication.
Here is some questions which I seek to have direction which way to go.
Should I avoid virtualization for machines which is dedicated to running SQL Server ?
Is SQL Server 2012 ready for production? I know that this is perhaps silly question but one of IT guys with plenty of certificates say that they always running production instances on second to last Microsoft platform, I am really confused how is He strong in claiming that they not going to instal and configure MS Servers (OS, SQL Server) on 2012 generation.
Do I need SSDs beside plenty of RAM. Unfortunately I can't do much in redesigns queries!
Here is what I have captured during 3 hour monday peek time.
Reporting Database (replication subscriber)
This is transactional DB (replication publisher) Trasaction DB