I have a table of around 350m rows on a linked server in which I added an additional INT column to serve as a count(external_identification) of records as the result of a join on PACKAGE and DOC2. Since the tables are so large I'd like to process the update in batches, both so I can gauge progress and to avoid creating huge temp tables. Each column is indexed.

Would this be a good example where a CTE comes into play? Quite honestly they confuse me with the way they need to be written, it's hard to visualize...

The tables are structured as:

ServerA (utility SQL server)
Table: CLIP_IDs
Columns: Package_UUID nvarchar(255), MessageExtractState tinyint, [count] int (350m rows)

ServerB (main database server)
Columns: Package_UUID nvarchar(255), Package_id bigint (650m rows)
Table: DOC2
Columns: External_Identification nvarchar(255), Package_id bigint (2b rows)

Both SQL servers are linked both ways, if initiating the query from one is more efficient. I have a feeling issuing the query from ServerA will be, as it seems like the execution plan offers less remote queries.

I stopped the query below after 26 hours because I think I have a syntax logic error. Can someone explain what it is and offer any suggestions please?

Executed from ServerA:

DECLARE @rowsUpdated INT

SET @rowsUpdated = 1

WHILE (@rowsUpdated > 0)
    SET [Count] = x.[count]
    FROM (
        SELECT TOP 50000 c.package_uuid
            ,count(d.external_identification) AS [count]
        FROM CLIP_IDs c
        INNER JOIN ServerB.DATABASE.dbo.package p(NOLOCK) ON c.package_uuid = p.package_uuid
        INNER JOIN ServerB.DATABASE.dbo.doc2 d(NOLOCK) ON p.package_id = d.package_id
        WHERE c.messageextractstate = 1
            AND c.[count] IS NULL
        GROUP BY c.package_uuid
        ) x

    SET @rowsUpdated = @@rowcount

    PRINT N'Finished set of rows: ' + convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 120)
  • I stopped the query below after 26 hours because I think I have a syntax error. This is highly unlikely as SQL Server will parse the query first to check for syntax validation. + why are you doing cross server updates using Linked server on such huge tables ? That will be dog slow no matter what you do. Instead have an ETL job (SSIS) that will load the data locally to a staging table on the destination database (where you want to update the records). And then do the updates, it will be much quicker ! with SSIS you can even leverage on doing incremental loads as well.
    – Kin Shah
    Commented Sep 19, 2013 at 22:44
  • Also use of NOLOCK is dangerous while doing updates. Refer to (blogs.msdn.com/b/davidlean/archive/2009/04/06/…) and (stackoverflow.com/questions/1452996/…) and (jasonstrate.com/2012/06/the-side-effect-of-nolock).
    – Kin Shah
    Commented Sep 19, 2013 at 22:47
  • Hi Kin, thanks for your replies. The data being selected is old data and once written is never updated. Maybe that negates the need for the nolock hint, but the DBA team who manages the ServerB always insists that we use nolock on heavily accessed production servers.... So I do.
    – beeks
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 0:16
  • Regarding using a linked server, I don't have enough disk space to pull the required data from ServerB to join locally on ServerA. Wish I did! I use DTS frequently to move data cross server, but will look into SSIS. Do you see any reason why my query though would NOT work, even if all 3 tables were on a single server?
    – beeks
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 0:23
  • 1
    DTS is outdated .. SQL Server 2005 introduced SSIS which is more robust than the old flaky DTS. Also, nolock will give you dirty reads and the links that I referenced explains them very well. Your DBA's should also refer to those as its a bad practice to use it in PROD.
    – Kin Shah
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 1:57

1 Answer 1


Depending on your permissions, the linked server could be trying to stream all the data over locally and then doing filtering. References

You might be able to skip that pain by computing the total aggregate count first into a table on the local server and then beat against that.

    package_uuid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
,   [count] bigint

,   count(d.external_identification) AS [count]
    ServerB.DATABASE.dbo.package p
        ServerB.DATABASE.dbo.doc2 d
        ON p.package_id = d.package_id

Try running that query locally on ServerB first to get an understanding of the theoretical throughput without factoring in your network. You can then do some quick and dirty estimates based on data sizes (500 + 8 per row in temporary table) and then it depends on your network. Hopefully this is all local network.

If the time is significantly different between the run on ServerB and pulling it back over, then you might need to use the OPENQUERY syntax to force the join on the remote server. Code approximately

    package_uuid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
,   [count] bigint

,   OQ.[count]
    ,   count(d.external_identification) AS [count]
        DATABASE.dbo.package p
        INNER JOIN 
            DATABASE.dbo.doc2 d
            ON p.package_id = d.package_id
    ) AS OQ;
  • Billinkc, thank you for your very helpful comment. I have to do some reading on OPENQUERY() as that's new to me. The file structure on ServerB is frustratingly complex (36 mounted volumes peppered inside 8 logical drives) but I think we recently allocated a terabyte to tempdb on its own volume. Space is much more limited on ServerA though. Perhaps if I order both the global temp table and the destination table on Package_UUID ascending, I could do a merge update? Another topic to read up on. Servers are connected via token ring. I mean, both servers are in the same datacenter.:)
    – beeks
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 2:17
  • "Token Ring" - jeebus it's been a long time since I've seen that tech!
    – Hannah Vernon
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 2:23
  • Just kidding on the token ring ;) Just 1gig Ethernet.
    – beeks
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 2:25
  • @Billinkc, thanks. After not being able to access a global temp table from a linked server, I went rogue and created one on ServerB to be quickly snapped up and dropped. The DBA's would be pissed, but it was worth it to see disk reads spike over 1gigabyte/sec ;)
    – beeks
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 3:15

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