Quick version:
What command should I issue to enable a database owner to allow it to access tables in this database and can this be done from that owner's account?
Longer Version:
I am creating a database on RDS. I have a 'root' user that I have configured with Amazon.
Amazon automatically creates the group role 'rds_superuser' which is very privileged, but not actually a superuser.
I am creating a database and user for the application as follows:
create database master_integration;
CREATE ROLE master_application LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '...' VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE master_integration TO GROUP rds_superuser WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE master_integration TO GROUP master_application;
\c master_integration;
I updated this script to reflect suggestions by Craig Ringer regarding how I should be handling this.
When the app connects (with the master_application credentials) it creates (and therefore owns) the tables.
My issue is that I cannot use my administrative (rootish) log in to run queries because that user has no privileges on the table.
I have been able to solve this before by running the following from the application account:
GRANT ALL privileges ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to rds_superuser;
But it seems hacky to have a subordinate user grant privs back to an administrative user.
So...Is there a command that I can run before or after I create the tables from the application which will ensure that the owner of the database can access the tables within the database?
update after re-trying the alter default privilegs...
This still does not grant access to the tables; I see it being suggested elsewhere and it makes complete sense, but it is not working for me. From a psql shell:
master_integration=> \ddp
Default access privileges
Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges
integration_root | | table | integration_root=arwdDxt/integration_root+
| | | rds_superuser=arwdDxt/integration_root
(1 row)
master_integration=> \dp users
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | users | table | |
(1 row)
integration_root is my superuser-ish user and users is a table within my database.
I got a fairly useless response from someone at Amazon.
They asked me to call ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES from the master_application login. While this would probably work, it would not answer my question (which is how do I make this happen solely from the rds_superuser account).
I asked them to clarify this and they went away.