How can I perform a query that contains a (one-to-many) join between two tables, which will only join up to a pre-defined number of joined records?

So, lets say I have two tables, one for Matches, and one for Goals, and I want to perform some analysis on the matches based on the first 3 goals that have been scored in it. The idea would be to execute a single query, and I would then have a list of comments that is only comprised of the most recent 5 comments on each post


| Match ID |
| 1        |
| 2        |
| 3        |


| Goal ID | In | 
| 1       | 2  |
| 2       | 2  |
| 3       | 1  |
| 4       | 3  |
| 5       | 1  |
| 6       | 2  |
| 7       | 3  |
| 8       | 2  |
| 9       | 1  |

Result: (limit to first 2)

| Goal ID | In | 
| 1       | 2  |
| 2       | 2  |
| 3       | 1  |
| 4       | 3  |
| 5       | 1  |
| 7       | 3  |
  • 1
    In isn't a good column name, btw...
    – Rob Farley
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 9:32
  • Yeah, why don't you name it MatchID? Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 9:59
  • It was for the sake of an example, and I couldn't be bothered to reformat it :)
    – topherg
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 10:23
  • Which DBMS are you using? Postgres? Oracle?
    – user1822
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 11:40
  • This question has nothing to do with joins. The question is how to get a limited number of rows from any query, regardless it cointains a join or not. Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 15:59

2 Answers 2


In SQL Server and other systems that support ROW_NUMBER()

you can use this syntax:

WITH GoalsWithGoalNum AS (
    SELECT *, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY [In] 
            ORDER BY [Goal ID]
        ) AS GoalNum
    FROM Goals
FROM GoalsWithGoalNum
WHERE GoalNum <= 2;

You can use a table variable and a windowing function to do this.

Declare @Goals
([Match id] int
,[Goal Id] int
,[GoalCount] int)

Insert into @Goals
SELECT [In], [Goal Id], COUNT([Goal Id]) OVER (PARTITION BY [In] ORDER BY [Goal Id]) AS [GoalCount]
FROM Goals 

Select * 
From Matches m 
JOIN @Goals g on m.[Match Id] = g.[Match Id] and g.GoalCount <= 3
  • 1
    Table variable assumes SQL-Server. And COUNT() OVER (... ORDER BY ...) works only in SQL-Server 2012+. ROW_NUMBER() is available in earlier versions. Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 11:39
  • Ah, so THAT's why COUNT() OVER() confused me. Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 12:18
  • Yeah that's fair. I have marked Robs answer up Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 15:16

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