I was loading a mysql dump today when I ran into
ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 279: Row size too large (> 8126)
Which I thought was weird because I know I had turned on row compression and was using Barracuda on that server. I also knew I wasn't running into that problem on the production database.
I checked on the production database and sure enough
show variables like "%innodb_file%";
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_file_format | Barracuda |
| innodb_file_format_check | ON |
| innodb_file_format_max | Barracuda |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON |
But on the server that loads the dump the file_format variable is set to:
mysql> show variables like "%innodb_file%";
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_file_format | Antelope |
| innodb_file_format_check | ON |
| innodb_file_format_max | Antelope |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON |
Here's what my MySQL dump looks like
sudo mysqldump -u mysqlbackups --databases limbo | gzip > /local_backup_directory'+%m-%d-%Y'.sql.gz
Why wasn't the innodb_file_format and format_max variables dumped? How can I tell mysqldump to dump the file_format and format_max variables?