Aws linux(centos) ec2 Host: mydb. 3 clusters: ports 5432, 5433, 5434
What I'd like to see is: db2.mydb or mydb/db2 connect/fwd to cluster2 (5433).
Anything Linux or psql come to mind? In mssql I'd have named instances as an option
To clarify the needs a little better: These new instances (clusters) will be used by various people. QA as a team or individually, Dev as a team or individually. There could be a need for 3, 10 or 30 clusters at any given time. Some clusters will remain active for weeks and others for hours.
A friendly name is purely for the human element. I (as dba) would rather see a list of 20 names than 20 port numbers. But I could create a data driven page to translate for me, just need to track the mapping in a table. The clusters will be used by people and in connection strings for applications. The friendly name is self documenting, so there isn't any worry about confusion as to what port 6221 is in a file. Last week port 6221 was a dev sandbox, today it's a special hotfix branch.
In AWS the option exists to just have 1 linux server instance per cluster. Likely even easier to maintain in the long term, but AWS charges by the hour for each server, so it seems like a nightmare to keep turning off/on these linux server instances... or you look at a way higher cost having 30 vs 1 server running.
On a local virtual env I would just have 1 Linux, 1 Cluster, 1 DB each. All default port and I can map dns to that servers IP no problem.
Did any of this information help clarify? Anything else I can add to help?
. But it certainly would help if you clarified your needs a bit further.