When I create an in-memory table, I get this error:
The data types
using a collation that has a code page other than 1252 are not supported with memory optimized tables
When I create an in-memory table, I get this error:
The data types
using a collation that has a code page other than 1252 are not supported with memory optimized tables
i solved the problem with this link: http://www.yigitaktan.com/archives/492
The problem's source is that: Sql Server instance's collation was Turkish_CI_AS. Memory-Optimized processes haven't supported my collation.
SELECT NAME AS [Collation] ,COLLATIONPROPERTY(NAME, 'codepage') AS [CodePage] FROM sys.fn_helpcollations() WHERE COLLATIONPROPERTY(NAME, 'codepage') = 1252
This query lists supported collations.