So, recent mysql server allows three types of replication mode: STATEMENT, ROW, MIXED. They all have pros/cons, and I pick the mode according to site characteristics.

When I get a replication error I sometimes need to examine the binlog files using mysqlbinlog, so I tend to use MIXED mode. ROW based replication doesn't let you see it because contents is not very readable. I'm thinking MIXED mode is 'best of both worlds'.

I haven't yet seen a lot of discussion regarding MIXED mode, much less drawbacks of using it. Can someone tell me few reasons to be cautious?

1 Answer 1


Here are some disadvantages

  • Should be noted that these disadvantages are specific to row based logging, and that if you're already logging rows then you'll already be having these drawbacks.
    – Sean
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 9:49

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