I have an application server talking to an Oracle database, using the Oracle instant client. We are troubleshooting a specific bug, and it was asked if I could add the following flags to to my sqlnet.ora file:
Prior to this request, we did not need a sqlnet.ora file on the client side, with instant client, we could reference the classpath of ojdbc6.jar and the ld_library_path of the directory of the jar, and use a URL like this:
Looking at the Oracle Docs, it appeared that I could reference a sqlnet.ora file and/or a tnsnames.ora file on the client side if I added environment variables for ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN.
I created the sqlnet.ora file with the parameters above, and added some trace parameters so that I could verify that the file was being read:
I also created a tnsnames.ora file:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = *host*)(Port = *port*)))
(SERVICE_NAME = *service*)))
Finally, I added environment variables, and restarted the application. I tried with the original simpler URL, and it was clear that the settings weren't picking up, as I would expect with the trace flags that a file would be created if it were being read. Next I tried to create the URL using the TNS name, which per the docs sounded like it would look in TNS_ADMIN for additional files to connect with.
jdbc:oracle:oci:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS LIST=(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = *host*)(Port = *port*)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = *service*)))
So far, I haven't seen any trace files come up, and I have a feeling I'm doing a part of this wrong, or missing a step, or using the wrong URL. I tried a few variants of connection strings that would reference "APPDB" as in my tnsnames.ora file, but either it doesn't work at all, or it connects, but does not seem to be picking up the settings from sqlnet.ora.
Any ideas on what I could be missing, or if in fact applying these settings is only possible on the DB side?