I'm working with SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition SP2 on a Windows 7 32bits.
I have this code inside a stored procedure.
Begin try
-- EXEC CLR Stored Procedure
exec dbo.MyStoredProcedureCLR @baseUrl, @orderNumber
end try
begin catch
Declare @message nvarchar(max);
set @message = ERROR_MESSAGE()
EXEC master..xp_logevent 60000, @message, informational
end catch
is a SQL CLR Stored Procedure that make a PUT to a RESTful web service.
Sometimes, I get a 404 Not Found
exception, and I want to catch it and log it. This is the message I get:
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "GetNewCodesICODECLR":
System.Net.WebException: Error en el servidor remoto: (404) No se encontró.
en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
en StoredProcedures.GetNewCodesICODECLR(SqlString baseUrl, SqlString orderNumber, SqlString lineCode, Int64 quantity, Int64 codesPrinted, Int64 codesCleared)
But, when I get that exception, I get another exception in xp_logevent
'Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid Parameter Type'
How can I know if ERROR_MESSAGE()
is a valid parameter? OR what's happening?
By the way, I'm running a that SQL CLR Stored Procedure inside a Service Broker Queue.