I'm trying to setup a many to many relationship between an gizmo table and a owner table.

  • A owner can have many gizmos
  • And a gizmo can have many owners

When I have a linking table do I set the gizmoID and ownerID as a composite key and then set the foreign keys on the gizmo table to Identity Auto-Increment by 1 and the same on the owner table or do I set composite key to identity auto-increment.

I am working on sql server 2014 Express and fairly new to this and trying to wrap my head around this.

Thanks for the help in advance.

1 Answer 1


as it will have three table

  1. one table for Owner, Identity Auto-Increment by 1 will give OwnerId
  2. one table for gizmos, Identity Auto-Increment by 1 will give gizmosId
  3. One table for mapping the many to many relationship as

    OwnerId - FK gizmosId - FK and Other columns

Now as the combination of OwnerId and gizmosId will make a row unique you can create primary key constraints that will enforce Uniqueness as well.

ALTER TABLE schemaName.TableName
  • I ran a sql query running this and it noted it ran successfully. is there a way to view my constraints on a column as it isn't showing up on in sql server management studio under the column I applied it to.
    – dbollig
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 14:51
  • @dbollig try this EXEC sp_helpconstraint 'dbo.tableName', I have modified the answer and changed the contraints to Primary Key from Unique.
    – vijayp
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 7:30

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