Team BI has a package deployed as a project on SQL Server 2012.

How can I find how long a package takes to run on a daily basis, and where it has spent most of the time?

I know that the catalog.executions view can be queried, anything else?

I am getting this request from developers:

Today’s BI Incremental ran without error but took far longer than usual. The Sales Incremental took 1hour 12mins. Yesterday it took 15 mins. There has been no release/code changes.

The Sales ETL hits databasename on servername. Was there something going on at the time of the load (5am)? Anything logged?

enter image description here

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Method 1 : YOu can use the below VB code in SQL agent job to find the information on packages running on sql server 2012:

  '   Declare and instantiate objects here.
    Dim app As New Application
  ' Create a RunningPackages collection, named pkgs, and fill it
 ' with the running packages from the application object.
    Dim pkgs As RunningPackages = app.GetRunningPackages(Nothing) 

 ' Enumerate over each package in the collection and display some data.
     For Each package As RunningPackage In pkgs
    Console.WriteLine("InstanceID: " & package.InstanceID.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("PackageDescription: " & package.PackageDescription)
    Console.WriteLine("PackageID: " & package.PackageID.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("PackageName: " & package.PackageName)
    Console.WriteLine("UserName: " & package.UserName)
     '   Insert more code here.

Method 2: Refer to below excellent read from Jamie Thomson which have neat and clean scripts to provide info on you're running packages:


Method 3: YOu can use below SQL code which i've been using:

  -- Check if the SQL Server Agent is running
        FROM    MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses
        WHERE   program_name = N'SQLAgent - Generic Refresher' ) 
    SELECT  @@SERVERNAME AS 'InstanceName' ,
            1 AS 'SQLServerAgentRunning'
    SELECT  @@SERVERNAME AS 'InstanceName' ,
            0 AS 'SQLServerAgentRunning'               
    RAISERROR('The SQL Server Agent is not running.', 16, 1) WITH SETERROR ;               
     -- Execute the script
        FROM    tempdb.dbo.sysobjects
        WHERE   id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]') ) 
DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]
   CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]
  last_run_date NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,
  last_run_time NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,
  next_run_date NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,
  next_run_time NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,
  next_run_schedule_id INT NOT NULL ,
  requested_to_run INT NOT NULL ,
  request_source INT NOT NULL ,
  request_source_id SYSNAME COLLATE database_default
                            NULL ,
  running INT NOT NULL ,
  current_step INT NOT NULL ,
  current_retry_attempt INT NOT NULL ,
  job_state INT NOT NULL
  DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT
  SET @is_sysadmin = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0)
 SET @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()
 INSERT  INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]
    EXECUTE MASTER.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner

UPDATE  [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]
  SET     last_run_time = RIGHT('000000' + last_run_time, 6) ,
    next_run_time = RIGHT('000000' + next_run_time, 6) ;
   SELECT  j.name AS JobName ,
    j.enabled AS Enabled ,
    CASE x.running
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Running'
      ELSE CASE h.run_status
             WHEN 2 THEN 'Inactive'
             WHEN 4 THEN 'Inactive'
             ELSE 'Completed'
    END AS CurrentStatus ,
    COALESCE(x.current_step, 0) AS CurrentStepNbr ,
    CASE x.running
      WHEN 1 THEN js.step_name
    END AS CurrentStepName ,
    CASE WHEN x.last_run_date > 0
         THEN CONVERT (DATETIME, SUBSTRING(x.last_run_date, 1, 4) + '-'
              + SUBSTRING(x.last_run_date, 5, 2) + '-'
              + SUBSTRING(x.last_run_date, 7, 2) + ' '
              + SUBSTRING(x.last_run_time, 1, 2) + ':'
              + SUBSTRING(x.last_run_time, 3, 2) + ':'
              + SUBSTRING(x.last_run_time, 5, 2) + '.000', 121)
         ELSE NULL
    END AS LastRunTime ,
    CASE h.run_status
      WHEN 0 THEN 'Fail'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Success'
      WHEN 2 THEN 'Retry'
      WHEN 3 THEN 'Cancel'
      WHEN 4 THEN 'In progress'
    END AS LastRunOutcome ,
    CASE WHEN h.run_duration > 0
         THEN ( h.run_duration / 1000000 ) * ( 3600 * 24 )
              + ( h.run_duration / 10000 % 100 ) * 3600 + ( h.run_duration
                                                          / 100 % 100 )
              * 60 + ( h.run_duration % 100 )
         ELSE NULL
    END AS LastRunDuration ,
    js.command AS SSISPackageExecutionCommand
     FROM    [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1] x
    LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON x.job_id = j.job_id
    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js ON js.job_id = j.job_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories c ON j.category_id = c.category_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h ON x.job_id = h.job_id
                                                AND x.last_run_date = h.run_date
                                                AND x.last_run_time = h.run_time
                                                AND h.step_id = 0
 WHERE   x.running = 1
    AND js.subsystem = 'SSIS'

 DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Temp1]

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