I have several stored procedures that take a date/time input, one of which takes a date only in the form of a nvarchar because it utilizes dynamic SQL. When I try to cast the variable going into the stored procedure, I get an error. This doesn't make much sense to me.

I know I can work around it by creating a second set of nvarchar variables or casting within the stored procedure, but I'd like some insight on why I can't just cast the variable in-line.

Example. *TOP is a Select statement telling me my NVARCHAR DATE kicks out just fine.

MID is where SSMS is throwing the error, BOTTOM is where SSMS thinks it's just fine.*

stored procedure wtfman

  • Why are you casting a date as nvarchar then casting back to date? Also stored procedure parameters can't take expressions - only constants and variables. Finally, don't use nvarchar without length, and never mind why is this a string, why is it nvarchar instead of varchar? Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 19:05
  • 1. In sprocs called before this one I am using datetime, in this one I only want the date. 2. I'm not, the first is a select, not a set 3. OK, that explains it. 4. Will do. 5. Because the sproc uses dynamic SQL, as stated in the question.
    – n8.
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 19:08
  • Dynamic SQL (or date only) are terrible excuses for converting a date to a string. Your dynamic SQL should still be safely parameterizing a date variable through sp_executesql, not concatenating and double-single-quoting some date that has been changed to a string. Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 19:10
  • I didn't know that, thanks for your answer.
    – n8.
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 19:11

1 Answer 1


Stored procedure parameters can only accept literals, constants or variables as parameters. It can't take expressions of any kind.

You can say:

EXEC dbo.myprocedure @foo = 'bar';

But you can't say:

EXEC dbo.myprocedure @foo = 'b' + 'ar';

You should not be converting a date to a string and then back to a date again. Your dynamic SQL can easily take a date parameter, parameterized safely (you may want to read up on "SQL injection"), and not have to worry about ugly string concatenation. Here is an example:

  @dt DATE
  SET @sql = N'SELECT DATEPART(DAY, @dt);';
  EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@dt DATE', @dt;

DECLARE @fromDay DATETIME = '20010914 03:45';
DECLARE @dt DATE = @fromDay; -- or just declare @fromDay as DATE in the first place;
EXEC dbo.foo;



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