Suppose that I have a table with 1000 records and I have the below query, which would return 7 total records:
FROM MyTable
WHERE IndexedColumn > 5000
AND OtherIndexedColumn = 2
Since the two columns have up to date indexes, SQL Server can make assumptions and find the values faster and both queries are SARGable (ideally fewer reads). However, suppose that I need to make sure that the value is not equal to another value, let's say 12 for a different column, so I would have to add
AND AnotherIndexedColumn <> 12
If that's the last statement in the WHERE
clause, does SQL Server use the SARGability in the first two WHERE statements to first filter, get the 7 rows, then look to see if each row of the 7 are not equal to 12, or does it apply the <>
to every row in the original data set of 1000 rows?
The reason that I'm asking is because I'm aware that I could use a subquery or CTE to do the first part of the SARGable filter, then of the 7 rows, look and see if each is not equal, but is the query optimizer already doing that behind the scenes, or is it best to do it myself?
is irrelevant. The order of columns in your indexes is what matters.(IndexedColumn, OtherIndexedColumn)
is different than(OtherIndexedColumn, IndexedColumn)
and different than(OtherIndexedColumn, IndexedColumn, AnotherIndexedColumn)
and ...