I've seen it mentioned a few times that you can configure an event session to take an action when an event fires. Does anyone have any information on how to do this? I know that you can use the service broker to take an action on an event, but I don't consider that to be part of an event session.
I'm not sure I'm familiar with such a capability (assuming you're referring to this statement, "In fact, it’s even possible to purposely configure an Extended Events session to stop SQL Server when a specific event occurs; it’s that powerful!"). I know that Jason Strate put together something that leverages Service Broker: sqlmag.com/site-files/sqlmag.com/files/archive/sqlmag.com/…– swasheckCommented Mar 13, 2015 at 21:14
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Erin Stellato's Stairway to Extended Events is a good starting point here (it's behind a registration wall, but it's worth it.) She explains how you can use the SSMS GUI to create an Extended Events session that will trigger a dump, for example.
Understand that taking an action like creating a dump will be very performance-intensive.