Let's assume that I have following pg_trgm index on mydata JSONB column:

CREATE TABLE mytable (mydata JSONB);
CREATE INDEX trgm_index_1 ON mytable
USING gin ((mydata#>>'{myfield}') gin_trgm_ops);

And let's assume that I will insert following data into mytable:

500k rows with mydata = { "myfield": "some_text" }
500k rows with mydata = { "another_field": "some_text" }

So 1M rows in total, but half of them contains value that is used in index expression (mydata#>>'{myfield}'). Does it mean that index will use ~50% less memory on disk than it would use if all of rows contained myfield json field?

1 Answer 1


Let's simply try it!

I've created the table from your question, then did the following:

INSERT INTO mytable 
SELECT json_object(ARRAY['myfield', i::text || 'bla'])::jsonb 
FROM generate_series (1, 100000) t(i);

\di+ trgm_index_1

 Schema │     Name     │ Type  │ Owner  │  Table  │ Size  │ Description 
 test   │ trgm_index_1 │ index │ avaczi │ mytable │ 19 MB │ 

So far, we have only rows where myfield is present. Let's now add some other rows, too:

INSERT INTO mytable 
SELECT json_object(ARRAY['other_field', i::text || 'bla'])::jsonb 
FROM generate_series (100001, 200000) t(i);

After this, the reported index size has changed to 22 MB, meaning that the new rows are also accounted for. If you want to exclude them, you have to create a partial index:

CREATE INDEX trgm_index_partial ON mytable
USING gin ((mydata#>>'{myfield}') gin_trgm_ops)
WHERE mydata ? 'myfield';

The size of this one is initially the same (19 MB) as the non-partial index, but after adding the second group of rows, it does not change:

\di+ trgm_index_*

 Schema │        Name        │ Type  │ Owner  │  Table  │ Size  │ Description 
 test   │ trgm_index_1       │ index │ avaczi │ mytable │ 22 MB │ 
 test   │ trgm_index_partial │ index │ avaczi │ mytable │ 19 MB │ 

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