We have AlwaysOn Availability Groups primary and secondary replicas where the secondary replica is preferred for back up jobs to take place as long as it is available. I created back up jobs on both replicas and scheduled the jobs at the secondary replica.

My question is: - Do I have to schedule the jobs at the primary replica and then disable them until fail-over occurs and then manually enable jobs, or what is the best way to deal with these please?

2 Answers 2


My question is: - Do i have to schedule the jobs at primary replica and then disable them until fail-over occurs and then manually enable jobs or what is the best way to deal with these please?

No, you should just add a check with the new function sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica

if sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica('your db name') <> 1
    print 'This is not preferred backup replica .....'
        -- If this is not the preferred replica, exit (without error).
    print 'This is the preferred replica .. continue with backup'
        -- If this is the preferred replica, continue to do the backup.
        -- here goes the backup command .....

Alternatively, you can use SQL Server Maintenance Solution - by Ola hallengren which supports AlwaysON as well.


Below steps are used if you are using https://ola.hallengren.com/ , SQL Server Maintenance Solution - by Ola hallengren which supports AlwaysON as well.

I recommend that you configure it like this:

  1. Have the jobs enabled and scheduled on both servers.

  2. Add @CopyOnly = 'Y' to the full backup jobs.

  3. Drop the differential backup jobs

Ola's jobs will then automatically perform the backup on the preferred replica.

  • Do u need to put this parameter ? @AvailabilityGroups = 'ALL_AVAILABILITY_GROUPS, ALL_DATABASES'
    – SqlNovice
    Commented Nov 30, 2017 at 1:13

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