How can I output my Unix timestamps to human readable GMT?

  ,count( my.id ) AS mydata
FROM mdl_mytable
JOIN mycontext ct ON ( ct.my = cat.id )
LEFT JOIN myjoin ra ON ( mycontext = cat.id )
WHERE ct.mynumber =10000000
GROUP BY shortname, fullname, .category
ORDER BY myorder ASC

Note: The query has been changed for security reasons.

  • You might need to show your actual query (at least the part with FROM_UNIXTIME)...
    – dnoeth
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


MySQL support a FROM_UNIXTIME(...) function :-)

select FROM_UNIXTIME(1433433155)

And the other way around, UNIX_TIMESTAMP

Applying it to your example, assuming timecreated and timemodified are those Unix timestamps:

      , FROM_UNIXTIME (timecreated)
      , FROM_UNIXTIME (timemodified)
  ,count( my.id ) AS mydata
FROM mdl_mytable
JOIN mycontext ct ON ( ct.my = cat.id )
LEFT JOIN myjoin ra ON ( mycontext = cat.id )
WHERE ct.mynumber =10000000
GROUP BY shortname, fullname, .category
      , FROM_UNIXTIME (timecreated)
      , FROM_UNIXTIME (timemodified)
ORDER BY myorder ASC
  • Sorry but I was a bit quick to say yes it worked. Actually I have no clue how to integrate this with my SQL :(, it ran with no errors but the two timestamp fields I applied this too are now missing in the result set
    – james
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 15:58
  • Error FROM_UNIXTIME and UNIX_TIMESTAMP database.UNIX_TIMESTAMP does not exist
    – james
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 16:17

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