I have a database with the following structure (star schema):
pros integer
mena integer
me integer
vahet double precision
slutttp timestamp without time zone
Structure of each dimension table is:
"name" character varying(40),
id integer NOT NULL,
My fact table is huge with several billion rows and the dimension tables contain several thousand rows.
I use a tool to write queries (tableausoftware.com), this means that I cannot write my queries intelligently. And I have to use that tool. So my solution was to rewrite the queries which are generated by that tool.
For ex.
Original query:
select dim_me.name,
case when
dim_me.name like 'k%' then ‘something’
else ‘egg’
end as egg,
from dim_me, facttable
where dim_me.id = facttable.me group by name;
Needless to say, such a query is simply hopelessly suboptimal. Therefore in order to increase the performance, I rewrite the above query as:
select dim_me.name,
when dim_me.name like 'k%' then 'something'
else 'egg'
end as egg,
from (
select me,
sum(vahet) as sum_vahet
from facttable
group by me
) as result_table
inner join dim_me on (dim_me.id = result_table.me);
My question if there is better way to rewrite this query in order to gain performance speed.
Explain of both the query is as follows:
Explain of Original query
HashAggregate (cost=409746.04..409746.83 rows=53 width=15)"
-> Hash Join (cost=2.19..407307.98 rows=487612 width=15)"
Hash Cond: (facttable.me = dim_me.id)"
-> Seq Scan on facttable (cost=0.00..400601.12 rows=487612 width=12)"
-> Hash (cost=1.53..1.53 rows=53 width=11)"
-> Seq Scan on dim_me (cost=0.00..1.53 rows=53 width=11)"
Explain of rewritten query
Hash Join (cost=403040.86..403043.19 rows=48 width=15)"
Hash Cond: (dim_me.id = result_table.me)"
-> Seq Scan on dim_me (cost=0.00..1.53 rows=53 width=11)"
-> Hash (cost=403040.26..403040.26 rows=48 width=12)"
-> Subquery Scan result_table (cost=403039.18..403040.26 rows=48 width=12)"
-> HashAggregate (cost=403039.18..403039.78 rows=48 width=12)"
-> Seq Scan on facttable (cost=0.00..400601.12 rows=487612 width=12)"
when dim_me.name = 'k%'
does something completely different thandim_me.name like 'k%'
in the original query. Can you please post the execution plan (using explain analyze) for both statements? Ideally uploaded to explain.depesz.comfacctable.me
and one ondim_me.id
(although I doubt the one on dim_me helps as only 53 rows are involved). If you look at the output ofexplain analyze
you can also see whether the planner's estimations are correct.