I found this beautiful piece of code which takes a linestring and I can get the points from it:
DECLARE @GeographyToConvert geography
SET @GeographyToConvert = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (26.6434033 -81.7097817, 26.6435367 -81.709785, 26.6435783 -81.7098033, 26.6436067 -81.709825, 26.6435883 -81.709875, 26.64356 -81.7100417, 26.6434417 -81.710125, 26.6433167 -81.7101467, 26.643195 -81.7101033, 26.6431533 -81.7099517, 26.643175 -81.7097867, 26.643165 -81.7097917, 26.6431633 -81.7097367, 26.6431583 -81.7097083)',4326);
select @GeographyToConvert.STPointN(1)
select @GeographyToConvert.STPointN(2)
select @GeographyToConvert.STPointN(3)
From here, I can do what I need to do via the mentioned piece of code.
Instead of the prepopulated demo Linestring however, I have a table with GPS Coordinates
which contain the data from which I need to populate the @GeographyToConvert geography
declare @Geo table(long float, lat float)
insert into @Geo( long, lat ) values
( -121.527200, 45.712113 ),
( -121.517265, 45.714240 ),
( -121.511536, 45.714825)
Select * from @Geo
Can I please ask help in getting the @Geo
table values
into the @GeographyToConvert geography