In my database I have two tables, assessments, and responses, in a 1:N relationship.
I have a query that looks a little something like this
WITH "cross_responses" AS (select * from crosstab(
$$select as id, as name,
r.value as response
from assessments
left join users u on = assessments.user_id
inner join responses r on r.assessment_id =
inner join items i on = r.item_id
where = ANY ('{E-mail Address, First Name, Last Name}')
order by 1,2$$,
$$VALUES('E-mail Address'), ('First Name'), ('Last Name')$$
) as ct(id int, email text, first_name text, last_name text)
) SELECT ...blah blah...
ORDER BY "assessments"."id" desc, assessments.end_time DESC NULLS LAST,
assessments.start_time DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 4000
So basically, I'm creating a CTE made up a crosstabbed results for key responses from the assessment, then joining it two the assessments table, and selecting to get a nice flat representation mixing meta-data from the assessment, with the answers to individuals questions.
As you can see at the bottom, this query gets run in batches of 1000 when we are streaming a CSV file of all the results over HTTP.
I believe this results in a potential performance issue, because for each batch, I'm assuming crosstab will run against the entire assessment and responses tables, not against just the batch of defined by the outer query. Running explain analyze seemed to confirm this for as the crosstab line in the explain output, says it runs over 5080 rows, which is all the assessments in my development database (production has a lot more)
What I'm asking 1) Is my understanding about how crosstab behaves correct? 2) Is there a way to make the query passed into cross tab "aware" of limitations or conditions applied to the outer query? 3) Is there another approach I should be taking entirely to performantly run this query in a batched fashion to stream the data out to CSV.
EDIT: Adding the results of explain analyze
Limit (cost=1813.08..1813.08 rows=1 width=124) (actual time=71.913..72.036 rows=1000 loops=1)
CTE cross_responses
-> Function Scan on crosstab ct (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=100) (actual time=63.593..64.074 rows=5080 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=1800.58..1803.08 rows=1000 width=124) (actual time=71.568..71.817 rows=5000 loops=1)
Sort Key:, assessments.end_time, assessments.start_time
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 861kB
-> Hash Join (cost=1712.00..1750.75 rows=1000 width=124) (actual time=66.358..69.842 rows=5080 loops=1)
Hash Cond: ( =
-> CTE Scan on cross_responses (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=100) (actual time=63.595..65.204 rows=5080 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=1645.89..1645.89 rows=5289 width=28) (actual time=2.751..2.751 rows=5289 loops=1)
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 289kB
-> Seq Scan on assessments (cost=0.00..1645.89 rows=5289 width=28) (actual time=0.008..1.879 rows=5289 loops=1)
Total runtime: 72.384 ms
. 2) You could a variable in theWITH
part asWITH
should be an auxiliary thing for building huge queries. 3) You can "parse" theEXPLAIN
output here and start from there. You need to see how much it costs to run your query before you can optimize it.WITH var1 as (SELECT 8765 num), table1 as (SELECT 8765 id, 'data' datos) SELECT id, datos FROM table1, var1 WHERE = var1.num
you just need to adapt it to your needs...items