This a solution for MS SQL Server 2008 and above
As alluded to by @Zane, this is best achieved using a numbers table, which for this exercise we'll create and populate with 100 numbers. If you already have your own Numbers table, feel free to substitute it in the final query,
if object_id('tempdb..#nums') is not null drop table #nums;
create table #nums ([num] int);
with digits (d) as (
select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union
select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union
select 7 union select 8 union select 9 union
select 0)
insert #nums (num)
select n.number
from (select i.d + ii.d * 10 as number from digits i cross join digits ii) as n
where n.number > 0
order by n.number;
This creates and populates a table with the ranges specified in your original post
if object_id('tempdb..#ranges') is not null drop table #ranges;
create table #ranges ([start] int, [end] int);
insert into #ranges ([start], [end])
Now we just use an EXCEPT query to show the missing numbers. The first part of the query just lists the number from 15 to 60. The second part joins the numbers and ranges tables to list all the numbers in the specified ranges. The EXCEPT clause does the heavy lifting to provide the list
select n.[num]
from #nums n -- my number table
where n.[num] between 15 and 60
select n.[num]
from #nums n
inner join #ranges r -- my ranges table
on n.[num] between r.[start] and r.[end]
For more info on the EXCEPT clause see this MSDN article
to a numbers table. Then just return the values that haveNULL
where your columns are and limit the range. Without seeing what you're actually doing and what you've attempted this is the best I can give you.