I'm executing a query to return the products of a specific sale in Magento database.

It's working fine for a sale that contains only one product, however, I'm having Subquery returns more than 1 row when the sale contains more than one product/row.


SELECT  name,

        (SELECT mcpev.value
        FROM magento_sales_flat_order_item msfoi,
        magento_catalog_product_entity_varchar mcpev,
        magento_eav_attribute mea
        WHERE order_id = 1
        AND msfoi.product_id = mcpev.entity_id
        AND mcpev.attribute_id = mea.attribute_id
        AND mea.attribute_code = "cip") AS cip, /*Select CIP*/

        (SELECT mcpev.value
        FROM magento_sales_flat_order_item msfoi,
        magento_catalog_product_entity_varchar mcpev,
        magento_eav_attribute mea
        WHERE order_id = 1
        AND msfoi.product_id = mcpev.entity_id
        AND mcpev.attribute_id = mea.attribute_id
        AND mea.attribute_code = "cip7") AS cip7, /*Select CIP7*/

        (SELECT mcpev.value
        FROM magento_sales_flat_order_item msfoi,
        magento_catalog_product_entity_varchar mcpev,
        magento_eav_attribute mea
        WHERE order_id = 1
        AND msfoi.product_id = mcpev.entity_id
        AND mcpev.attribute_id = mea.attribute_id
        AND mea.attribute_code = "gtin_13") AS gtin13 /*Select GTIN13*/

FROM    magento_sales_flat_order_item
WHERE   order_id = 1

I do not see why this error occurs, despite that the root select only (without the inner ones) returns 3 rows, and the inner selects returns also 3 rows .

How can I resolve the issue?

  • 1
    One of your sub-queries must be returning > 1 row. Have you ran each in isolation?
    – Molenpad
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:21
  • @Molenpad Yes, it returns more than one row, however, the root query returns also the same number of rows. Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:31
  • 1
    @androniennn At the minute it has no idea how to map the subquery rows to the outer query. Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:32
  • A subquery, when used as part of the select list in the way you have demonstrated, cannot return more than 1 row. The error message is explicit in advising this.
    – Molenpad
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:33
  • @Molenpad : With order_id equals to 1, I just have one row . I mean that query can return just one row . Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:37

1 Answer 1


My MySQL knowledge is rusty (at best), but subqueries like this can normally be replaced by a JOIN and GROUP BY to achieve the desired result.

Something like this will get you on your way:

SELECT  name,
        MAX(CASE WHEN mea.attribute_code = 'cip' THEN mcpev.value END) AS cip,
        MAX(CASE WHEN mea.attribute_code = 'cip7' THEN mcpev.value END) AS cip7,
        MAX(CASE WHEN mea.attribute_code = 'gtin_13' THEN mcpev.value END) AS gtin13
FROM    magento_sales_flat_order_item msfoi
INNER JOIN magento_catalog_product_entity_varchar mcpev
  ON msfoi.product_id = mcpev.entity_id
INNER JOIN magento_eav_attribute mea
  ON mcpev.attribute_id = mea.attribute_id
WHERE   order_id = 1
GROUP BY name, qty_ordered, item_id, original_price, discount_percent, price, tax_percent  
  • I think that it's working now, I just added a MAX before the CASE for the three ones. Can you please edit your answer to be able to accept it ? Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 11:07
  • @Lennart : Thank you very much for your hint. Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 11:24
  • This may be just sweeping the schema flaw under the rug.
    – Rick James
    Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 20:14

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