Can someone tell me how to swap this absolute path with a relative one for my sqlcmd upgrade script?

-- how can I get rid of the following absolute path variable from my script?
:SETVAR ScriptDir "C:\absolutePath\"  

:SETVAR DeployLog "upgradeDb.out.log"
:SETVAR ErrorLog "upgradeDb.err.log"
:Error $(ScriptDir)$(ErrorLog)
:OUT $(ScriptDir)$(DeployLog)

print ' run scripts a and b'
:r $(ScriptDir)"a.sql"
:r $(ScriptDir)"b.sql"

PRINT 'finished'

print 'problem...'

Originally posted (in the wrong place) here: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/318033/how-to-use-a-relative-path-in-sqlcmd-script

  • It's not clear what your question is. Are you asking how to edit the script file? Do you not know what the path is? Something else?
    – mustaccio
    Commented May 11, 2016 at 14:28
  • 1
    How are you executing this script? Command line via SQLCMD.EXE or in SSMS using SQLCMD mode? Commented May 11, 2016 at 18:15
  • 1
    the script's being run in SSMS in sqlcmd mode. If I don't set the path explicitly the cwd turns out to be the folder that SSMS is in IIRC. These scripts go out to a customer and then I don't know where they're being run from and I'm having to tell the customer to manually edit them before running them in SSMS. It seems like the kind of thing I shouldn't have to be doing. Thanks,
    – timB33
    Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 9:47

1 Answer 1


If you want a relative path, just use relative path notation.
:SETVAR ScriptDir "../../"

That will set your ScriptDir to two directories higher than wherever you invoked sqlcmd from.

or :SETVAR ScriptDir "moo/oink/bah/"

That will look for scripts in the moo/oink/bah subdirectory of wherever you invoked sqlcmd from.

  • 2
    I've tried this and although you'd think it would work it doesn't. CWD turns out to be location of SSMS.exe and not the master script's.
    – timB33
    Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 9:48
  • I usually launch sqlcmd.exe from PowerShell, in which case the relative paths work fine.
    – dpw
    Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 16:57

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