This is a pictorial view of what I have:

Master 1<----->Master 2
|                     |
|                     |
V                     V
Slave 1         Slave 2

The masters are never written to at the same time, rather Master 2 is a standby server. Both Masters have log-slave-updates turned on in my.cnf.

If a table is created in a replicated DB on Master 1, it is present on Master 1, Master 2 and Slave 1. It is NOT present on Slave 2.

In the same way, if a table is created in a replicated DB on Master 2, it is present on Master 1, Master 2 and Slave 2. It is NOT present on Slave 1.

Why is this the case? Is it a limitation of MySQL in how it stops master/master replicated servers from creating replication loops if both have log-slave-updates turned on?

Is there a way this can work?

  • 1
    There is no such limitation in MySQL. Replication propagates changes through practically infinite amount of tiers. Did you check the server-ids? Do you have any replication or binlog filter? Commented May 25, 2016 at 7:26
  • server-id values are all different. I do have a binlog_do_db containing only one database. That database is the one the table is being created in.
    – phil-lavin
    Commented May 25, 2016 at 7:29
  • 1
    That filter could easily be the problem. binlog_do_db has some limitations of what it can recognise (dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/…). Try to remove that and see if it works the way you want it. If you do need some filtering use replication-do-db on the slave instead. It's more advantageous from many perspective. Commented May 25, 2016 at 7:38
  • I changed binlog_format from MIXED to STATEMENT and that seems to have solved the problem. Going to do some more research...
    – phil-lavin
    Commented May 25, 2016 at 7:41

2 Answers 2


To answer my own question, the "fix" is to change binlog_format to STATEMENT. It was previously MIXED.

Not entirely sure of the reason behind this - MySQL should be intelligent when using MIXED mode about what is replicated as statement and what is replicated as row.


Since you have binlog/replicate filtering, this is probably what happened:

USE non_replicated_db;
CREATE TABLE replicated_db.table_name ...;

The filtering works on the USE, not on the db qualification in the statement.

(PS, you are using what is probably the best layout for standard replication: dual-master-single-writer, plus slaves hanging off both. If the Masters are in different physical locations, it is even better.)

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