now i am working with memcached with mysql cluster 7.2 for that i am installed




i have installed first 3 successfully but while installing memcached_functions with

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/ --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

i am getting error like

checking for DEPS... configure: error: Package requirements (libmemcached >= 0.17) were not met:

can any one help me out in finding the solution...

thanks in adv

Deepak M

1 Answer 1


i found the solution for the previous case

the DEPS ERROR mainly because of not setting the path

while installing the libevent,memcached,libmemcached i gave the prefix with /usr/local path....in that path all the library files are created and while installing memcached function we need to set the environment variable to the path as shown below

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local export DEPS_CFLAGS=/usr/local export DEPS_LIBS=/usr/local/lib

later its succesfully configured and working

regards Deepak M

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