The problem is that you have more columns in the select than in the group by. This is allowed with default settings in MySQL, but may lead to in-deterministic results. Example:
engines, manufacturer, model, seats
A A A 10
A B C 20
Your query:
SELECT engines, manufacturer, model, MAX(seats)
FROM planes
GROUP BY engines;
then means, "get the max number of seats for engine 'A' and randomly pick a manufacturer/model for 'A'. This could mean:
| engines | manufacturer | model | MAX(seats) |
| A | A | B | 20 |
but could just as well have been:
| engines | manufacturer | model | MAX(seats) |
| A | B | C | 20 |
You can prevent this by requiring a full group by:
MariaDB [test]> set @@sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'
-> ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,01 sec)
MariaDB [test]> SELECT engines, manufacturer, model, MAX(seats) FROM planes GROUP BY engines;
ERROR 1055 (42000): 'test.planes.manufacturer' isn't in GROUP BY
If you want the manufacturer/model for the engine with most seats you can first get the max seats for the engine, and then join the original table as in @Andriy M answer:
SELECT A.engines, B.manufacturer, B.model, A.seats
from (
SELECT engines, MAX(seats) as seats
FROM planes
GROUP BY engines
) as A
join planes B
on A.engines = B.engines
and A.seats = B.seats;
| engines | manufacturer | model | seats |
| A | B | C | 20 |
Other DBMS such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and SQL-Server provides window functions that makes this kind of query easier:
select engines, manufacturer, model, seats
from (
select engines, manufacturer, model, seats
, row_number() over (partition by engine
order by seats desc) as rn
from planes
) where rn = 1;
group by
is incorrect. But MySQL choses to return random (they call it indeterminate) data instead. See e.g. here:… or here: for details