I'm trying to find a query selecting all columns of my table, where the result set contains only distinct values of a certain column. The row being selected for a specific distinct value should be the one with the maximum value of another column (within the group of rows having that value for the former column).
I tried
SELECT column1, column2, MAX(column3) FROM table GROUP BY column1;
which doesn't work because in the results column2 and MAX(column3) are not from the same row. How is this achieved in mysql?
For a table like
CREATE TABLE table (column1 VARCHAR(10), column2 VARCHAR(10), column3 INT);
and data like
INSERT INTO table VALUES ("a", "x", 1);
INSERT INTO table VALUES ("a", "y", 2);
INSERT INTO table VALUES ("a", "z", 3);
INSERT INTO table VALUES ("b", "x", 1);
INSERT INTO table VALUES ("b", "y", 2);
I want to get the rows ("a", "z", 3) and ("b", "y", 2). With the above query I get ("a", "x", 3) and ("b", "x", 2) i.e. MAX(column3) and the rest of the result do not come from the same original row in my data. I see why that is not possible with aggregation functions in general but I can't think of another simple way to achieve it.