For this you want to use the .exist()
XML function as it will return a BIT (i.e. boolean) value indicating whether or not the XQuery find anything.
To handle the non-static location of an element, you would use either *
(indicating that it should check all nodes of a particular level, but not other levels), or //
(indicating that it should check all nodes at that level and below).
The following examples use the example query from the question as a base, and adds a few test cases to place the element at different levels, and adds a test case that changes the name to show that the XQuery isn't just selecting everything.
Test Setup (run once)
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (1, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (2, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (3, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (4, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (5, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
INSERT INTO #Table (ID, XmlCol) VALUES (6, N'
<MCTClientCity>Palm Beach</MCTClientCity>
<Address>1234 Main Street</Address>
Test 1 (*
in place of a node name)
This will check all nodes at the specified level, which in this case is just under <root>
. But it won't check other levels.
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'/*/ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
Returns row with ID
value of 3.
Test 2 (*
in place of a node name)
This will check all nodes at the specified level, which in this case is just under <root><MCTLocations>
. But it won't check other levels.
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'/root/MCTLocations/*/ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
Returns rows with ID
values of 1 and 5.
Test 3 (//
in place of a node name)
This will check all nodes starting at the specified level, which in this case is just under <root><MCTLocations>
, and below.
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'/root/MCTLocations//ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
Returns rows with ID
values of 1, 4, and 5.
Test 4 (/*
or */
in place of a node name)
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'*//ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
-- and:
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//*/ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
Both return rows with ID
values of 1, 3, 4, and 5.
These do not return row ID of 6 due to the *
being a placeholder for a single node, hence the highest level allowed would be under <root>
(or any top-level node).
Test 5 (//
at the top level)
This will check all nodes starting at the top level.
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//ContactLName[text()="Brandt"]') = 1;
Returns rows with ID
values of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Test 6 (use local variable value for element text in XQuery)
DECLARE @Name NVARCHAR(50) = N'Brandt';
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//ContactLName[text()=sql:variable("@Name")]') = 1;
SET @Name = N'Grandt';
-- exact same query, just different value in the variable
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//ContactLName[text()=sql:variable("@Name")]') = 1;
First query returns rows with ID
values of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Second query returns row with ID
value of 2.
Test 7 (use function and string literal for element name in XQuery)
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//.[local-name()="NewerElement"]') = 1;
Returns rows with ID
values of 5 and 6.
Test 8 (use function with local variable value for element name in XQuery)
DECLARE @Node NVARCHAR(50) = N'SubElement';
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//.[local-name()=sql:variable("@Node")]') = 1;
Returns row with ID
value of 4.
Test 9 (put all of the pieces together)
DECLARE @NodeName NVARCHAR(50) = N'ContactLName',
@NodeText NVARCHAR(500) = N'Brandt';
FROM #Table tmp
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'//.[local-name()=sql:variable("@NodeName")]
[text()=sql:variable("@NodeText")]') = 1;
Returns rows with ID
values of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
General XML Note:
XML data (in SQL Server) is encoded as UTF-16 Little Endian, same as NVARCHAR
. Hence it is best to prefix sting literals with a capital-N
when the value is really XML.