By following question: See if XML element exists at any level in document with a specific value

Is there a possible solution to implement like clause within exist?

For example I have similar structure of XML as in question but in "tag" :<ContactLName>somevalues;Brandt;anothervalues</ContactLName> "Brandt" stored a little different. To find "Btandt" I have to use something like like, but I didn't find anything.
Here is an example what I am looking for:
WHERE tmp.[XmlCol].exist(N'/*/ContactLName[text() like "%Brandt%"]') = 1;


2 Answers 2


You can use fn:contains in the predicate.

c.data.exist('/course/custom_elems/text()[fn:contains(., "7032219868543590434")]') = 1;
  • I've tried your solution, but unfortinatelly it shows an empty result. With the .value method it works. Maybe exact XML structure will give a little help to visualize the problem, I will edit my question and add the sctructure.
    – Fatdrfrog
    Commented Nov 23, 2021 at 9:14
  • @Fatdrfrog Looks like it is working for me. Have a look here. dbfiddle.uk/… Of course I had to change your XML a bit and use a value that is actually in there and adapt the XQuery to the new structure. Commented Nov 23, 2021 at 17:27
  • yap, it works. I've tried exist by finding node() and it worked perfect. I even combined value and contains by node(): SELECT e.data.value('(/event/custom_elems/node()[fn:contains(., "f_n84u")])[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)') as df; and it found needed value.
    – Fatdrfrog
    Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 12:00

I found an answer by using value():

WHERE c.data.value('(/course/custom_elems)[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)') LIKE '%7032219868543590434%'

Question is probably a dublicate and has an answer here.

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