i'm trying to update a remote table using linked server, based on id of my local table.
I'm trying this:
update [HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2
set [HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.cod = tabela1.codigo
from [HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2
join tabela1
on tabela1.id=[HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.id
The multi-part identifier "HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01.dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.id" could not be bound.
i tried to update the local server based on the linked server but I still receive errors like the TABLE_NAME could not be bound
update tabela1
set tabela1 .cod=[HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.cod
from [HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2
join tabela1
on [HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01].dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.id=tabela1.id
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 40 The multi-part identifier "HQSQLHOM01\SQLHOM01.dba_teste.dbo.tabela2.cod" could not be bound.
There's a lot of questions like this one on stackoverflow but none of them is working.