Is it possible to run something like dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory
to only delete transaction log backups without rolling your own scripts? Using Ola's maintenance scripts, we do 5 minute log backups on all our critical databases and nightly differential and weekly full backups. This means we get about 8500 transaction log backups in a month, but only 30ish differentials and 4-5 full backups.
We keep the full and differentials for much longer than we do log backups, so we'd like to keep the backup history for those, but we'd like to reduce the size of our backup tables (particularly backupset) as it's slowing down our monitoring tool.
SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID('msdb.dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory'))
shows that the sp is really just a bunch of deletes from tables in msdb. Can you use that as a starting point?