First of all, sorry if this question has been answered before. I am new to Microsoft SQL and StackExchange and I wasn't able to find help regarding this thing I want to improve.
So I have one task to update all rows in a table with data from another row. This table has currently 3,9 million rows and counting. I want to update all rows in the table but only 200k-300k rows at a time.
My current script looks like this:
alter table TableA add blob_image_tmp varbinary ( max )
update TableA
set blob_image_tmp = cast ( blob_image as varbinary ( max ) )
where columnA < 200000
update TableA
set blob_image_tmp = cast ( blob_image as varbinary ( max ) )
where columnA > 199999 and columnA < 400000
update TableA
set blob_image_tmp = cast ( blob_image as varbinary ( max ) )
where columnA > 399999 and columnA < 600000
....and so on up to 3,9million.
Then I end it with the following code:
alter table TableA drop column blob_image
exec sp_rename 'TableA.blob_image_tmp' , 'blob_image' , 'COLUMN'
alter table TableA rebuild
Is there a simpler way to achieve the same result? I have another table I need to do the same thing with but that one has more than 10 million rows so it feels annoying to split each part up like this.