The following table is my menu master table that has an unlimited menu depth. Every menu can have a submenu and a sub-submenu and so on.
The problem I am facing is getting all items that have the same top-level parent.
One solution is to loop while parent is not null and second solution is to create a view with a parent id and all sub menu ids with comma separated column.
Then one select command will give the parent id. My table is as follows:
CategoryID | ParentID
1 | null
2 | null
3 | 1
4 | 1
5 | 2
6 | 2
7 | 3
Output should be
CategoryID | AllRelatedCategory
1 | 1,3,4,7
2 | 2,5,6
My current code is as follows. Problem is that it's working only with 3 levels of the hierarchy.
;with cte as
select a.CategoryID col1, convert(varchar, a.CategoryID) col2, a.ParentID
from [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] a where a.ParentID is null
select a.CategoryID col1, (convert(varchar, isnull(b.CategoryID,''))) col2, a.ParentID
from [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] a
left join [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] b on a.CategoryID=b.ParentID
select a.CategoryID col1, (convert(varchar, isnull(c.CategoryID,''))) col2, a.ParentID
from [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] a
left join [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] b on a.CategoryID=b.ParentID
left join [dbo].[TB_CATEGORY_MASTER] c on b.CategoryID=c.ParentID
select distinct c.col1,
(SELECT distinct ', ' + c1.col2
FROM cte c1
where c.col1 = c1.col1
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') col2
from cte c
where c.ParentID is null