I need for a user to logon to a Postgres DB through either MS Excel or Power BI, without entering any credentials, using solely their Active Directory login. I'm mainly a BI Developer and not usually part of the infrastructure side of things, but I've been tasked with finding out if this is at least feasible.
Am I right in thinking that this would be a pretty normal task within Microsoft infrastructure?
- User signs on with AD to domain/their machine
- AD grants access to something like SQL server (I take through some native MS protocol, not ODBC)
- Excel(MS Query)/PowerBI from the users desktop rides that connection to allow the tool(s) seamless access to data as defined by their AD access rights.
The aim is to remove any additional credential entry by the user into either of the tools, because there'd be a high user turnover and user access to data sets must be stringently managed.
I imagine there would be back and forth between the AD admins and the DBA to facilitate user creation and access control at both ends, and I know postgres itself is AD/LDAP compliant, so some kind of access is possible. I'm just not sure if point 3, the seamless connection is possible.