I asked this question a few years ago and got an amazing answer that solved all of my problems.
However, I also have a very similar query on my Postgres 9.6.3
data that does not perform nearly as well.
Here's the query that is doing great:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT posts.* FROM unnest('{39303,39302,39304,70255,70256}'::int[]) s(source_id), LATERAL (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE (source_id = s.source_id) AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY posts.position, posts.external_created_at desc) posts ORDER BY posts.position, posts.external_created_at desc;
Sort (cost=356674.93..356771.23 rows=192600 width=1061) (actual time=2.715..2.731 rows=357 loops=1)
Sort Key: posts."position", posts.external_created_at
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 257kB
-> Nested Loop (cost=2880.92..289343.79 rows=192600 width=1061) (actual time=0.545..1.938 rows=357 loops=1)
-> Function Scan on unnest s (cost=0.00..0.30 rows=100 width=4) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=5 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=2880.92..2881.88 rows=1926 width=1061) (actual time=0.359..0.362 rows=71 loops=5)
Sort Key: posts."position", posts.external_created_at
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 27kB
-> Index Scan using index_posts_on_source_id on posts (cost=0.11..2859.90 rows=1926 width=1061) (actual time=0.048..0.253 rows=71 loops=5)
Index Cond: (source_id = s.source_id)
Filter: (deleted_at IS NULL)
Rows Removed by Filter: 165
Planning time: 0.207 ms
Execution time: 2.793 ms
(14 rows)
And here's the similar query that I think needs an index:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT posts.* FROM unnest('{70256, 70255, 39304, 39303, 39302}'::int[]) s(source_id), LATERAL (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE (source_id = s.source_id) AND ("posts"."deleted_at" IS NOT NULL) AND "posts"."rejected_at" IS NULL ORDER BY posts.external_created_at desc LIMIT 100) posts ORDER BY posts.external_created_at desc LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0;
Limit (cost=15879.66..15879.71 rows=100 width=1061) (actual time=325.798..325.814 rows=84 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=15879.66..15884.66 rows=10000 width=1061) (actual time=325.798..325.806 rows=84 loops=1)
Sort Key: posts.external_created_at
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 68kB
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.11..15803.23 rows=10000 width=1061) (actual time=1.647..325.634 rows=84 loops=1)
-> Function Scan on unnest s (cost=0.00..0.30 rows=100 width=4) (actual time=0.010..0.015 rows=5 loops=1)
-> Limit (cost=0.11..157.43 rows=100 width=1061) (actual time=36.246..65.110 rows=17 loops=5)
-> Index Scan using index_posts_on_source_id_and_external_created_at on posts (cost=0.11..841.76 rows=535 width=1061) (actual time=36.244..65.105 rows=17 loops=5)
Index Cond: (source_id = s.source_id)
Filter: (rejected_at IS NULL)
Rows Removed by Filter: 148
Planning time: 12.438 ms
Execution time: 325.893 ms
As for my setup:
id integer NOT NULL,
source_id integer,
message text,
image text,
external_id text,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
external text,
like_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
comment_count integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
external_created_at timestamp without time zone,
deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
poster_name character varying(255),
poster_image text,
poster_url character varying(255),
poster_id text,
position integer,
location character varying(255),
description text,
video text,
rejected_at timestamp without time zone,
deleted_by character varying(255),
height integer,
width integer
CREATE INDEX index_posts_on_source_id_and_external_created_at
ON posts USING btree (source_id, external_created_at DESC)
WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL;
Postgres memory settings:
name, setting, unit
Database stats:
Total Posts: 20,997,027
Posts where deleted_at is null: 15,665,487
Distinct source_id's: 22,245
Max number of rows per single source_id: 1,543,950
Min number of rows per single source_id: 1
Most source_ids in a single query: 21
Distinct external_created_at: 11,146,151
Any recommendations as to how to structure my index?
of both?CREATE INDEX index_posts_on_source_id_and_external_created_at USING btree (source_id, external_created_at DESC) WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL;
Might that fix my problem?