I downloaded DeveloperDaysVM2016-06-02_13.ova from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html and successfully loaded it into Virtual Box.
I logged in as "oracle" user and I can see the desktop.
From within the virtual machine, I opened Firefox and navigated to:
http://localhost:8080/ords/hrrest/employees/ and successfully received a list of employees in JSON format. So I know the database is up and running.
I noticed the local pre-built database is on port 1521 using SID:XE by default.
Also, in order to access it from an external oracle Java driver I had to use the credentials "hr"/"oracle", which is the default credential for this virtual machine.
My question: Is there a wizard I can use to create a brand new database? Or, if there are commands that do this, what documentation shows how to do this?
I want a new database, with a new username and password, with a new ORACLE_SID.
How do I do this? Is there a link to oracle documentation that shows me how to do this? This virtual machine uses Oracle 11g.
Ideally, I would like to connect to this new database with a Java program using new credentials like:
username:newuser password:newpass localhost 1521 ORACLE_SID=newsid