I have the following in Excel which I need to calculate in SQL Server:

enter image description here

The columns that needs to be calculated is change and new_threshold:

The formula for change is:

enter image description here

While the formula for new_threshold is:

enter image description here

I have tried to use the lead and lag methods SQL Server offers, but I can't seem to keep track of the calculation.

Here is one thing I've tried:

    round(original_threshold, 0) original_threshold,
    round(case when original_threshold > isnull(lead(original_threshold) over (order by [year_month] desc), original_threshold)
        then isnull(lead(original_threshold) over (order by [year_month] desc), original_threshold)  - original_threshold
        else 0 end, 0) change,
    round(original_threshold + case when original_threshold > isnull(lead(original_threshold) over (order by [program], [year_month] desc), original_threshold)
        then isnull(lead(original_threshold) over (order by [year_month] desc), original_threshold)  - original_threshold
        else 0 end + manualChange, 0) new_threshold

which yields:

enter image description here


Here is the insert statement if you want to test it

insert into [Test].[dbo].[test]

('2017_09', 401,    0),
('2017_08', 396,    0),
('2017_07', 397,   -5),
('2017_06', 389,   -7),
('2017_05', 393,    0),
('2017_04', 390,    0),
('2017_03', 412,    0),
('2017_02', 439,    0),
('2017_01', 458,    0)

Based on the values from this insert, I want to be able to calculate the change and new_threshold like in the Excel above.

  • And your version of sql server is ... sql server 2012 ? (and it is quicker if you are adding the insert statement for this table)
    – Sabin B
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 11:10
  • @sabinbio Yes. MSSQL 2012. I can also add the insert statement
    – Nilzone-
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 11:29

1 Answer 1


Here is my idea: -I used recursive approach, - for this , added a Row_number, used this to join previous records

;WITH cte_Source AS
    ,CONVERT(int,LEFT(year_month,4)) As mYear
    ,CONVERT(int,RIGHT(year_month,2)) As mMonth
    ,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY CONVERT(int,LEFT(year_month,4)),CONVERT(int,RIGHT(year_month,2))) AS RN
    #Test AS T
,cteR AS
        ,0 AS change
        ,T.original_threshold  +  0 + T.manualChange AS  new_threshold
    FROM cte_Source AS T
    --WHERE T.year_month ='2017_01'
    ORDER BY T.mYear * 100 + T.mMonth ASC


        ,CASE WHEN  S.original_threshold > R.new_threshold THEN R.new_threshold - S.original_threshold ELSE 0 END AS  change
            + CASE WHEN  S.original_threshold > R.new_threshold THEN R.new_threshold - S.original_threshold ELSE 0 END 
            + S.manualChange AS  new_threshold
        ,S.rn AS rn
        FROM cte_Source AS S
            INNER JOIN cteR AS R
            ON r.RN + 1 = S.RN 


from cteR

output for it:

year_month original_threshold change      manualChange new_threshold
2017_01    458                0           0            458
2017_02    439                0           0            439
2017_03    412                0           0            412
2017_04    390                0           0            390
2017_05    393                -3          0            390
2017_06    389                0           -7           382
2017_07    397                -15         -5           377
2017_08    396                -19         0            377
2017_09    401                -24         0            377
  • Interesting idea! :) Only thing though. Your're selecting [new_threshold] in both of your CTE's. This is supposed to be calculated. I see my insert statement was a little bit confusing. I'll update it. Sorry about that.
    – Nilzone-
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 12:05
  • Updated now. Again, sorry about that.
    – Nilzone-
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 12:08
  • You're welcome! is my pleasure
    – Sabin B
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 13:50
  • Just curious: would it be possible to achieve this using aggregation with window-functions (over-clause), or it recursion the best (or only) option here?
    – Nilzone-
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 17:20
  • We can try... it was my first try, but I stumble on something and I change "tactic" to use recursive. Because you are calculating the field change base on the previous threshold, which is also calculated...
    – Sabin B
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 17:58

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