I have two tables:

     product | market | category | other
             |        |          |

     product | num_available | some_other
             |               |

I have a list of 7 markets and a list of 41 categories. For each market/category combination, I need to get several products (3 is a good number) that are currently available. I came up with a query that delivers products for one market/category combination:

SELECT product_table.product, product_table.category
FROM product_table, availability_table
WHERE   product_table.market = 1 // market is changing from query to query
    AND product_table.product = availability_table.product
    AND availability_table.num_available > 0
    AND product_table.category = 'category_1' // category is changing from query to query
    AND ROWNUM <= 3

This works well for one market/category combination, but I have to manually submit 287 queries to get all data I need. Is there any way to build a query that will do it for me with one submission?

  • Do you really not care which three products you get for each market & category? Commented Jun 12, 2012 at 23:08
  • Don't care, they are for testing purposes. I just need three that are available.
    – osjak
    Commented Jun 12, 2012 at 23:11

1 Answer 1


Since you don't care which products are returned

SELECT product, category, market
  FROM (SELECT product, 
               row_number() over (partition by market, category
                                      order by rownum) rnk
          FROM product_table
               JOIN availability_table USING (product)
         WHERE num_available > 0)
 WHERE rnk <= 3;
  • 1
    Justin, thanks for your update. I ran this query, and the job failed after runnning for 5 hours with a message that the server cannot find some object any more. I think some database component hit a timout. Maybe if the database was smaller, it would work, not sure. The lesson I have learned from this attempt is that I need to actually sit down and study SQL, instead of getting pieces of information here and there.
    – osjak
    Commented Jun 13, 2012 at 23:15

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