First of all, your UPDATE
without WHERE
clause is needlessly (very!) expensive. It would write a new row version for all rows, even where nothing changes. Only update rows that actually need an update!
UPDATE table01
SET field01 = replace(field01, 'http://localhost:5000', '')
WHERE field01 ~ 'http://localhost:5000';
Next, careful what you replace. You'll want to avoid false positives. Test before you apply it to the whole database. Your current expression:
replace(field01, 'http://localhost:5000', '')
would also change strings that probably shouldn't be changed. Like 'http://localhost:50000/pic/img/1.jpg'
(note: 50000
instead of 5000
To avoid that particular case:
regexp_replace(field01, 'http://localhost:5000\M', '', 'g')
Using regular expressions instead. \M
at the end of the string, per documentation,
matches only at the end of a word
You may want to do more, depending on your exact requirements. So:
UPDATE table01
SET field01 = regexp_replace(field01, 'http://localhost:5000\M'
, '', 'g')
WHERE field01 ~ 'http://localhost:5000\M';
Then apply to all string columns in a table. Ideally, only update each row once, to make this as cheap as possible. This plpgsql function executes the update for one given table:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_replace_everywhere(_pattern text, _new_string text, _tbl regclass, OUT updated_rows int) AS
-- basic string types, possibly extend with citext, domains or custom types:
_typ CONSTANT regtype[] := '{text, bpchar, varchar}';
_sql text;
SELECT INTO _sql -- build command
format('UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s'
, _tbl
, string_agg(format($$%1$s = regexp_replace(%1$s, $1, $2, 'g')$$, col), ', ')
, string_agg(col || ' ~ $1', ' OR '))
SELECT quote_ident(attname) AS col
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = _tbl -- valid, visible, legal table name
AND attnum >= 1 -- exclude tableoid & friends
AND NOT attisdropped -- exclude dropped columns
AND NOT attnotnull -- exclude columns defined NOT NULL!
AND atttypid = ANY(_typ) -- only character types
ORDER BY attnum
) sub;
-- Test
-- RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql;
-- Execute
updated_rows := 0; -- nothing to update
USING _pattern, _new_string;
GET DIAGNOSTICS updated_rows = ROW_COUNT; -- Report number of affected rows
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Call to apply to a single table:
SELECT f_replace_everywhere( 'http://localhost:5000\M'
, ''
, 'my_table');
Closely related with detailed explanation:
Finally, apply to all relevant tables in our database. Don't touch system tables. You can loop through all tables based on pg_tables
or information_schema.tables
. See:
I'll leave that last step to you.