I have a Wordpress table in which I want to take the user_email from Table2 and import it to contact_email on Table1 one based off of the user_login. user_login and user_id equal the same value. Nothing I have tried has worked. Any thoughts?
user_id|contact_email |contact_name
123 |[email protected] |deft
124 |[email protected]|deft3
Table2 (User table)
user_login|user_email |display_name
123 |[email protected] |deft
124 |[email protected] |deft3
I have tried:
SET contact_email = (SELECT Table2.user_email
FROM Table2
WHERE Table2.user_login = user_id )
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT Table2.user_email
FROM Table2
WHERE Table2.user_login = user_id );