How can I concatenate two psql (PostgreSQL client) variables? I want to generate an absolute path by concatenating a directory path variable and a filename variable.

I've tried this:

\set path '/tmp/'
\set file 'foo'
\echo :path:file

But psql puts a space between the path and the file, and outputs:

/tmp/ foo

3 Answers 3

\set path '/tmp/'
\set file 'foo'
\set pf :path:file \echo :pf

Why does this work? I quote the manual here:

\set [ name [ value [ ... ] ] ]

Sets the internal variable name to value or, if more than one value is given, to the concatenation of all of them. [...]

Emphasis mine.

  • 1
    Even better than mine Commented Jul 19, 2012 at 6:23

Try this:

\set path /tmp/
\set file foo
\qecho :path:file \o | sed s/\ //

\qecho writes to the query output channel (unlike \echo, which writes to standard output). \o | then redirects the output to the subsequent command.


It looks like you want either the || operator or the concat function:


  • 1
    How do you use these with \echo? Commented Jul 18, 2012 at 12:26
  • This answer refers to concatenation in SQL while the question is about psql (the terminal interface). Commented Feb 4, 2013 at 20:20

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