Is there any reason why the following queries would return different results?

select count(id) 
from mytable 
  and ((textfield1 ilike '%needle%') or (textfield2 ilike '%needle%'));


select count(id) 
from mytable 
  and ((textfield1 || textfield2) ilike '%needle%');

When I'm running these queries, the former is returning 26 and the latter 19.

What idiotic mistake am I making?

  • 1
    (('aaa' ilike '%ab%') or ('bbb' ilike '%ab%')) == false and (('aaa' || 'bbb') ilike '%ab%') == true. Use something like (textfield1 || CHAR(0) || textfield2).
    – Akina
    Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 11:19
  • Are you sure the 1st query returns more results that the 2nd? I would expect the opposite. Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 12:52
  • Those two queries are not doing the same thing
    – user1822
    Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 12:54
  • I triple-checked. The first query is returning more results than the second! Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 13:00
  • That could happen if there are nulls. If you use SELECT textfield1, textfield2 instead of SELECT count(id), you can see which rows differ between the 2 queries. Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 13:04

2 Answers 2


Do you have null values? If yes, the second form will be evaluated as null.

For example:

NULL || 'needle' = NULL

This way the second form can have less values than first one.

Try this:

coalesce(textfield1 ,'') || coalesce(textfield2,'')
  • 100% absolutely correct. NULL strikes again! Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 13:01

Yes, the reason is that the queries are not logically equivalent.

Just put textfield1 = 'I need' and or textfield2 = 'lemons'.

Then (textfield1 ilike '%needle%') or (textfield2 ilike '%needle%') evaluates to false
but textfield1 || textfield2 = 'I needlemons'
so (textfield1 || textfield2) ilike '%needle%' evaluates to true.

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