I want to select and count all cats and dogs at one location;

location | cats | dogs |
new york | 150  | 66   |
paris    | 34   | 12   |

What I've got so far:

    (select k.location, count(*) as cats from pet k, location lo where k.location= lo.id and k.pet= 'Cat' group by k.location)
    (select k.location, count(*) as dogs from pet k, location lo where k.location= lo.id and k.pet= 'Dog' group by k.location)

But I only get one column for location and cats...

1 Answer 1


Try this then instead:

  sum((case when k.pet = 'Cat' then 1 else 0 end)) as cats,
  sum((case when k.pet = 'Dog' then 1 else 0 end)) as dogs,
from pet k, location lo where k.location= lo.id and k.pet in ('Cat', 'Dog')
group by k.location

I am not sure what you need location lo for, seems you have all the necessary information in pet k.

  • Works perfect! I need location lo to show the location next to the sum Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 15:18

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