The definitive answer is of course the documentation.
This isn't always easy to track down though - especially if you are attempting to write scripts compatible with older versions (such as 2005).
If you only want to cater for additional columns and you have a server version at the lower and upper end of the target range you can use a trick like this one to write a query compatible with all server versions in that range.
With OptionalColumns AS
--Added between 2005 and 2017
is_auto_create_stats_incremental_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_query_store_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_cdc_enabled = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_encrypted = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_honor_broker_priority_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
replica_id = CAST(NULL AS uniqueidentifier),
group_database_id = CAST(NULL AS uniqueidentifier),
resource_pool_id = CAST(NULL AS int),
default_language_lcid = CAST(NULL AS smallint),
default_language_name = CAST(NULL AS nvarchar(128)),
default_fulltext_language_lcid = CAST(NULL AS int),
default_fulltext_language_name = CAST(NULL AS nvarchar(128)),
is_nested_triggers_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_transform_noise_words_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
two_digit_year_cutoff = CAST(NULL AS smallint),
containment = CAST(NULL AS tinyint),
containment_desc = CAST(NULL AS nvarchar(60)),
target_recovery_time_in_seconds = CAST(NULL AS int),
delayed_durability = CAST(NULL AS int),
delayed_durability_desc = CAST(NULL AS nvarchar(60)),
is_memory_optimized_elevate_to_snapshot_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_federation_member = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_remote_data_archive_enabled = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_mixed_page_allocation_on = CAST(NULL AS bit),
is_temporal_history_retention_enabled = CAST(NULL AS bit)
), sys_databases AS
FROM OptionalColumns
--These will be resolved from sys.databases if they exist there in the current version or the OptionalColumns CTE otherwise
SELECT name, database_id, source_database_id, owner_sid, create_date, compatibility_level, collation_name, user_access, user_access_desc, is_read_only, is_auto_close_on, is_auto_shrink_on, state, state_desc, is_in_standby,
is_cleanly_shutdown, is_supplemental_logging_enabled, snapshot_isolation_state, snapshot_isolation_state_desc, is_read_committed_snapshot_on, recovery_model, recovery_model_desc, page_verify_option,
page_verify_option_desc, is_auto_create_stats_on, is_auto_create_stats_incremental_on, is_auto_update_stats_on, is_auto_update_stats_async_on, is_ansi_null_default_on, is_ansi_nulls_on, is_ansi_padding_on,
is_ansi_warnings_on, is_arithabort_on, is_concat_null_yields_null_on, is_numeric_roundabort_on, is_quoted_identifier_on, is_recursive_triggers_on, is_cursor_close_on_commit_on, is_local_cursor_default,
is_fulltext_enabled, is_trustworthy_on, is_db_chaining_on, is_parameterization_forced, is_master_key_encrypted_by_server, is_query_store_on, is_published, is_subscribed, is_merge_published, is_distributor,
is_sync_with_backup, service_broker_guid, is_broker_enabled, log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc, is_date_correlation_on, is_cdc_enabled, is_encrypted, is_honor_broker_priority_on, replica_id, group_database_id,
resource_pool_id, default_language_lcid, default_language_name, default_fulltext_language_lcid, default_fulltext_language_name, is_nested_triggers_on, is_transform_noise_words_on, two_digit_year_cutoff, containment,
containment_desc, target_recovery_time_in_seconds, delayed_durability, delayed_durability_desc, is_memory_optimized_elevate_to_snapshot_on, is_federation_member, is_remote_data_archive_enabled,
is_mixed_page_allocation_on, is_temporal_history_retention_enabled
FROM sys.databases
) ca
FROM sys_databases
In the absence of information about columns available in 2005 the same technique could be used but just enumerating all the columns in the OptionalColumns
CTE rather than being able to target just the newly added ones.