I am trying to migrate from Oracle to MariaDB. At the moment, we are facing an issue with the following Oracle code.

 SELECT id,MK, pid,AFI 
   FROM M A 
  WHERE LEVEL <= 2 -- limiting iterations here
  START WITH pid = 1 

We have used recursive common expression table but we are unable to restrict the number of iterations to 2 (LEVEL <= 2). We don't want to set the system variables like cte_max_recursion_depth. How else can we limit recursion depth?

2 Answers 2


The mysql/mariadb syntax should be the next:

  ( SELECT 1 AS lvl -- UDV initialization
         , A.id
         , A.MK
         , A.pid
         , A.AFI -- initial portion
      FROM M AS A 
     WHERE A.pid = 1


    SELECT cte.lvl + 1 AS lvl -- UDV increment on each iteration
         , z.id
         , z.MK
         , z.pid
         , z.AFI -- recursive portion
      FROM cte -- referring to the already gathered recursion
      JOIN M AS z ON z.pid = cte.id
      WHERE lvl <= 2  -- Supa's amendment
  FROM cte 
-- WHERE lvl <= 2 -- wrong place
  • Thanks for your reply. It has solved the problem for us. Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 6:16
  • @SaivishnuSR: if that answer solved your problem, then accept the answer, so that the question is marked as resolved
    – user1822
    Commented Jul 7, 2019 at 20:00

Please note while @Kondybas' answer will produce expected results on correct data sets it will NOT restrict the number of iterations.

All rows will still be read but only 2 of them will be returned. That means:

  1. Drop in performance
  2. You will NOT avoid infinite loops that way!

If there is a loop in the tree of pid-id links in the table data due to some mistake such query can last forever (which might event corrupt the entire server by flooding the disk with endless temporary result data - checked in MariaDB 10.3.15.)

So you have to put a restricting condition inside the WITH clause as follows:

  ( SELECT 1 AS lvl -- UDV initialization
         , A.id
         , A.MK
         , A.pid
         , A.AFI -- initial portion
      FROM M AS A 
     WHERE A.pid = 1


    SELECT cte.lvl + 1 AS lvl -- UDV increment on each iteration
         , z.id
         , z.MK
         , z.pid
         , z.AFI -- recursive portion
      FROM cte -- referring to the already gathered recursion
      JOIN M AS z ON z.pid = cte.id
      WHERE cte.lvl < 2        -- *** the correct condition ***
  FROM cte 

P.S. I guess it is also a good idea to set max_recursive_iterations to some reachable value like 10000 to prevent MariaDB from getting unresponsive.

  • A very good point! Thanks!
    – Kondybas
    Commented Nov 1, 2020 at 20:00

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