I have a production replica set that went down for 3-4 minutes, apparently because the Primary could not connect to the Secondaries. I'm having a hard time understanding why a Secondary didn't take over until the connection was reestablished.
Here's the replica set structure and log:
PRIMARY: m4.mydomain.com ( - Priority 10
SECONDARY: m2.mydomain.com ( - Priority 5
SECONDARY: m1.mydomain.com ( - Priority 1
2019-04-11T05:09:30.998Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Ending connection to host m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to bad connection status; 0 connections to that host remain open
2019-04-11T05:09:30.998Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761815 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin expDate:2019-04-11T01:09:30.997-0400 cmd:{ replSetHeartbeat: "mydomain2", configVersion: 438342, from: "m4.mydomain.com:40000", fromId: 6, term: 631 }
2019-04-11T05:09:32.999Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] stepping down from primary, because a new term has begun: 632
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] stepping down from primary, because a new term has begun: 632
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I REPL [replExecDBWorker-1] transition to SECONDARY
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] legacy transport layer closing all connections
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] Skip closing connection for connection # 15154
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] Skip closing connection for connection # 15139
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] Skip closing connection for connection # 14937
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] Skip closing connection for connection # 8757
2019-04-11T05:09:33.754Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-1] Skip closing connection for connection # 5602
2019-04-11T05:09:33.755Z I - [conn15140] end connection (22 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:33.755Z I - [conn15141] end connection (22 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:33.755Z I - [conn8126] end connection (22 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:34.167Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15155 (8 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:34.235Z I ACCESS [conn15155] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:09:39.785Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15156 (9 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:39.845Z I ACCESS [conn15156] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:09:40.195Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15157 (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:40.254Z I ACCESS [conn15157] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:09:41.497Z I - [conn14937] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:43.000Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:09:46.426Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Starting an election, since we've seen no PRIMARY in the past 10000ms
2019-04-11T05:09:46.426Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected. current term: 632
2019-04-11T05:09:46.475Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 632 dry run) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 632, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:09:46.475Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] dry election run succeeded, running for election in term 633
2019-04-11T05:09:46.476Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:46.530Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 633) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 633, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:09:46.530Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 633
2019-04-11T05:09:46.530Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] transition to PRIMARY
2019-04-11T05:09:46.530Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Entering primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:09:46.530Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:51.065Z I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] sync source candidate: m1.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:51.065Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Connecting to m1.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:51.332Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to m1.mydomain.com:40000, took 267ms (1 connections now open to m1.mydomain.com:40000)
2019-04-11T05:09:51.483Z I REPL [replication-2] Choosing new sync source because our current sync source, m1.mydomain.com:40000, has an OpTime ({ ts: Timestamp 1554959425000|1, t: 632 }) which is not ahead of ours ({ ts: Timestamp 1554959425000|1, t: 632 }), it does not have a sync source, and it's not the primary (m4.mydomain.com:40000 is)
2019-04-11T05:09:51.483Z I REPL [replication-2] Canceling oplog query due to OplogQueryMetadata. We have to choose a new sync source. Current source: m1.mydomain.com:40000, OpTime { ts: Timestamp 1554959425000|1, t: 632 }, its sync source index:-1
2019-04-11T05:09:51.483Z W REPL [rsBackgroundSync] Fetcher stopped querying remote oplog with error: InvalidSyncSource: sync source m1.mydomain.com:40000 (config version: 438342; last applied optime: { ts: Timestamp 1554959425000|1, t: 632 }; sync source index: -1; primary index: 2) is no longer valid
2019-04-11T05:09:51.483Z I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] could not find member to sync from
2019-04-11T05:09:52.999Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761830 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:09:52.999Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:09:52.999Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761830 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:09:52.999Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:09:56.530Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:09:56.531Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats after becoming primary.
2019-04-11T05:09:56.531Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Exited primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:09:57.487Z I REPL [rsSync] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted
2019-04-11T05:09:57.736Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15158 (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:57.736Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15159 (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:09:57.845Z I ACCESS [conn15158] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:09:57.847Z I ACCESS [conn15159] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:09:58.995Z I - [conn15084] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I REPL [conn15154] stepping down from primary, because a new term has begun: 634
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I REPL [replExecDBWorker-2] transition to SECONDARY
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] legacy transport layer closing all connections
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] Skip closing connection for connection # 15154
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] Skip closing connection for connection # 15139
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] Skip closing connection for connection # 14938
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] Skip closing connection for connection # 8757
2019-04-11T05:10:00.114Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-2] Skip closing connection for connection # 5602
2019-04-11T05:10:00.115Z I - [conn15158] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.115Z I - [conn15159] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.115Z I - [conn15157] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.115Z I - [conn15156] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.115Z I - [conn15155] end connection (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.198Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15160 (6 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.258Z I ACCESS [conn15160] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:00.986Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15161 (7 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:00.986Z I NETWORK [conn15161] received client metadata from conn15161: { driver: { name: "mongo-csharp-driver", version: "" }, os: { type: "Windows", name: "Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393", architecture: "x86_32", version: "10.0.14393" }, platform: ".NET Framework 4.7.3394.0" }
2019-04-11T05:10:01.056Z I ACCESS [conn15161] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:02.197Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15162 (8 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:02.377Z I ACCESS [conn15162] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:06.476Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761844 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:06.530Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761847 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:08.531Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:10:09.796Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15163 (9 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:09.796Z I NETWORK [conn15163] received client metadata from conn15163: { driver: { name: "mongo-csharp-driver", version: "" }, os: { type: "Windows", name: "Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.0.14393" }, platform: ".NET Framework 4.7.3394.0" }
2019-04-11T05:10:09.855Z I ACCESS [conn15163] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:13.000Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761867 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:13.000Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:10:13.532Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:21.279Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Starting an election, since we've seen no PRIMARY in the past 10000ms
2019-04-11T05:10:21.279Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected. current term: 635
2019-04-11T05:10:21.279Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:21.328Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 635 dry run) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 635, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:10:21.328Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] dry election run succeeded, running for election in term 636
2019-04-11T05:10:21.329Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:21.384Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 636) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 636, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:10:21.384Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 636
2019-04-11T05:10:21.384Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] transition to PRIMARY
2019-04-11T05:10:21.384Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Entering primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:10:21.384Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:23.532Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:10:23.532Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats after becoming primary.
2019-04-11T05:10:23.532Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Exited primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:10:24.514Z I REPL [rsSync] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted
2019-04-11T05:10:24.694Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15164 (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:24.764Z I ACCESS [conn15164] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:24.827Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15165 (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:24.894Z I ACCESS [conn15165] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:33.532Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761882 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:33.532Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:10:33.532Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761882 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:33.532Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:35.533Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:10:41.280Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761889 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:41.329Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761893 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:41.385Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761896 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:43.976Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] stepping down from primary, because a new term has begun: 637
2019-04-11T05:10:43.976Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] stepping down from primary, because a new term has begun: 637
2019-04-11T05:10:43.976Z I REPL [replExecDBWorker-0] transition to SECONDARY
2019-04-11T05:10:43.976Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] legacy transport layer closing all connections
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] Skip closing connection for connection # 15154
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] Skip closing connection for connection # 15139
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] Skip closing connection for connection # 14938
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] Skip closing connection for connection # 8757
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I NETWORK [replExecDBWorker-0] Skip closing connection for connection # 5602
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I - [conn15163] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I - [conn15164] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I - [conn15162] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I - [conn15161] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:43.977Z I - [conn15160] end connection (11 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:43.978Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15166 (6 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:44.004Z I - [conn15165] AssertionException handling request, closing client connection: 172 Operation attempted on a closed transport Session.
2019-04-11T05:10:44.004Z I - [conn15165] end connection (7 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:44.046Z I ACCESS [conn15166] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:47.533Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:10:48.421Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15167 (7 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:48.487Z I ACCESS [conn15167] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:49.784Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15168 (8 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:49.856Z I ACCESS [conn15168] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:50.196Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15169 (9 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:10:50.255Z I ACCESS [conn15169] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:10:53.533Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761911 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:53.533Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:10:53.533Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761911 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:10:53.533Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:56.545Z I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] sync source candidate: m1.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:56.644Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Connecting to m1.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:10:56.913Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to m1.mydomain.com:40000, took 269ms (2 connections now open to m1.mydomain.com:40000)
2019-04-11T05:11:02.535Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:11:13.534Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761931 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:13.534Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:11:13.535Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761931 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:13.535Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:11:14.536Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:11:26.425Z I - [conn15154] end connection (9 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:11:26.537Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:11:33.536Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761985 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:33.536Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:11:33.536Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 761985 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:33.536Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:11:38.537Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:11:50.538Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:11:53.537Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 762027 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:53.537Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:11:53.537Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 762027 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:11:53.537Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:12:02.538Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Couldn't get a connection within the time limit
2019-04-11T05:12:13.538Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 762071 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:12:13.538Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:12:13.538Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; ExceededTimeLimit: Operation timed out, request was RemoteCommand 762071 -- target:m2.mydomain.com:40000 db:admin cmd:{ isMaster: 1 }
2019-04-11T05:12:13.538Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:12:13.998Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to m2.mydomain.com:40000, took 460ms (1 connections now open to m2.mydomain.com:40000)
2019-04-11T05:12:14.082Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Member m2.mydomain.com:40000 is now in state PRIMARY
2019-04-11T05:12:14.082Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Scheduling priority takeover at 2019-04-11T01:12:25.258-0400
2019-04-11T05:12:17.796Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15170 (9 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:12:19.133Z I ACCESS [conn15170] authenticate db: $external { authenticate: 1, mechanism: "MONGODB-X509", user: "CN=m2.mydomain.com,O=mydomain,ST=ON,C=CA" }
2019-04-11T05:12:19.336Z I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15171 (10 connections now open)
2019-04-11T05:12:19.641Z I ACCESS [conn15171] Successfully authenticated as principal admin on mydomain
2019-04-11T05:12:25.258Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Canceling priority takeover callback
2019-04-11T05:12:25.258Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Starting an election for a priority takeover
2019-04-11T05:12:25.258Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected. current term: 637
2019-04-11T05:12:25.307Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 637 dry run) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 637, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:12:25.307Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] dry election run succeeded, running for election in term 638
2019-04-11T05:12:25.307Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Ending connection to host m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to bad connection status; 0 connections to that host remain open
2019-04-11T05:12:25.308Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:12:25.362Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester(term 638) received a yes vote from m1.mydomain.com:40000; response message: { term: 638, voteGranted: true, reason: "", ok: 1.0 }
2019-04-11T05:12:25.362Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 638
2019-04-11T05:12:25.362Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] transition to PRIMARY
2019-04-11T05:12:25.362Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Entering primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:12:25.362Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:12:25.600Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - HostUnreachable: short read
2019-04-11T05:12:25.600Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Dropping all pooled connections to m2.mydomain.com:40000 due to failed operation on a connection
2019-04-11T05:12:25.600Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to m2.mydomain.com:40000; HostUnreachable: short read
2019-04-11T05:12:25.601Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Failed to connect to m2.mydomain.com:40000 - HostUnreachable: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2019-04-11T05:12:25.601Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Connecting to m2.mydomain.com:40000
2019-04-11T05:12:26.122Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to m2.mydomain.com:40000, took 521ms (1 connections now open to m2.mydomain.com:40000)
2019-04-11T05:12:26.216Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Member m2.mydomain.com:40000 is now in state SECONDARY
2019-04-11T05:12:26.216Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats after becoming primary.
2019-04-11T05:12:26.216Z I REPL [ReplicationExecutor] Exited primary catch-up mode.
2019-04-11T05:12:26.216Z I ASIO [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Ending connection to host m1.mydomain.com:40000 due to bad connection status; 1 connections to that host remain open
2019-04-11T05:12:26.216Z I REPL [rsBackgroundSync] Replication producer stopped after oplog fetcher finished returning a batch from our sync source. Abandoning this batch of oplog entries and re-evaluating our sync source.
2019-04-11T05:12:27.150Z I REPL [rsSync] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted
I couldn't fit the whole outage log here, but it sort of was repeating the same events over and over.
value ?