I'm still relatively new to MySQL so please forgive any ignorance on my part. I've tried looking through other posts on here and StackExchange, but haven't had much luck in improving the performance of this simple SELECT query. Let me start with the table schema, the SELECT statement, and the EXPLAIN for it:
CREATE TABLE `Observations` (
`InstrumentID` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`Epoch` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`EndingEpoch` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`PhenomenonName` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
`Value` decimal(18,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`IsEstimated` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`InstrumentID`,`PhenomenonName`,`Epoch`,`Value`),
KEY `FK_31` (`PhenomenonName`),
KEY `idx_Epoch` (`Epoch`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_27` FOREIGN KEY (`InstrumentID`) REFERENCES `Instruments` (`InstrumentID`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_31` FOREIGN KEY (`PhenomenonName`) REFERENCES `Phenomena` (`PhenomenonName`)
SELECT PhenomenonName, Value, Epoch
FROM Observations
WHERE InstrumentID=2
AND Epoch BETWEEN 1514782800 AND 1546318740
AND PhenomenonName IN ('demand')
"id": 1,
"select_type": "SIMPLE",
"table": "Observations",
"partitions": null,
"type": "range",
"possible_keys": "PRIMARY,FK_31,idx_Epoch",
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_len": "34",
"ref": null,
"rows": 1042464,
"filtered": 100,
"Extra": "Using where"
Sorry the explain is in JSON, I know that's not typical but the network configuration needs to be updated for my company's VPN so I can't connect via Workbench right now.
So, this query is for 1 year of 1-minute data, which is ~525K rows out of a table of ~18M rows and it takes ~22 seconds. Originally the PRIMARY key had Epoch before PhenomenonName, which was forcing it to do an index_merge_intersect. But, fixing the order of the key (which as you can see leads to it just using the PRIMARY key now) only shaved off 1 second. I've also tried running ANALYZE on the table, and changing Epoch BETWEEN 1514782800 AND 1546318740
to Epoch >= 1514782800 AND Epoch <= 1546318740
, both of which seemed to make no difference.
Granted the hardware right now is very small since we're still developing the server--only a db.t2.small, which is 1 vCPU and 2GB RAM. However, increasing it to a db.t2.large, 2 vCPU and 8GB RAM, brings it down to 13 seconds. And then increasing it again to a db.t2.2xlarge, 8 vCPU and 32GB RAM, doesn't seem to improve performance--it's still ~13 seconds. Also, the storage is 100 GiB SSD and the buffer pool size is 75% of total RAM as per AWS's default setting.
Is this just a hardware limitation? If so, that's fine, but I want to make sure I'm not missing any opportunities to optimize the table schema or select statement, especially since this is just a query for one instrument, and queries will regularly have to be made aggregating several of them together.
Thanks in advance, and please let me know if I can provide anymore information.
Edit: By the way, this is unrelated, but as you can see I have two foreign key restraints, but only one of them has created an actual key. Is there any reason for this? My understanding was that foreign key restraints automatically create a key.
Edit2: The query took ~23 seconds on the small instance, and since adding Value to the PRIMARY KEY as per @SQLRaptor's suggestion, it's down to ~21 seconds. Still about ~13 seconds on the db.t2.2xlarge.
SELECT value, epoch
only. No need to return half a million identical names.