I have two tables which have 3 same column names and approx half of the records matching.
I want the output table to combine all the rows from both tables whether the rows match or not.
I Tried to run the Union in PL SQL as
SELECT a.First_Name,a.Last_Name, a.State, a.DOB, a.Age, b.Gender
From table1 a, table 2 b
a.First_Name || a.Last_Name || a.State = b.First_Name || b.Last_Name || b.State
SELECT a.First_Name,a.Last_Name, a.State, a.DOB, a.Age, 'NA' Gender
From table1 a
a.First_Name || a.Last_Name || a.State != b.First_Name || b.Last_Name || b.State
SELECT a.First_Name,a.Last_Name, a.State, 'NA' DOB, 'NA' Age, b.Gender
From table2 b
a.First_Name || a.Last_Name || a.State != b.First_Name || b.Last_Name || b.State
However, this returns redundant rows and not the expected data. Could anyone help me with this.